Scientology Stories

In Survivors’ Own Words

CEO, President, Survivor

  • Claire was born into Scientology in England. At the age of 2, Claire first experienced Scientology's destructive practice of disconnection, when she was cut off from her father when he chose to leave Scientology. She was never able to speak to him again. At the age of 4, Claire's mother signed a billion year contract of service to the Sea Organization, a paramilitary organization created by L Ron Hubbard in the late 60s to control Scientology management internationally. For all intents and purposes, this effectively orphaned Claire to be raised in the so-called "Cadet organization" where children were groomed for their own billion years of service. From age 4 to 10 whilst in the Cadet org, Claire was lucky if she saw her mother 2 hours per week. At the age of 16, Claire began her own billion years of service, and from 1991 to 2005 she worked at Scientology's headquarters, a 500 acre remote and secure compound located in Gilman Hot Springs California. Her mother was not allowed to know the location of this compound and signed over guardianship of Claire to a complete stranger, someone neither she nor Claire had ever met at the time.  During Claire's years at Scientology's headquarters, she met and married her husband Marc Headley (Author of Blown for Good: Behind the Iron Curtain of Scientology). Claire was forced to have two abortions, at age 19 and age 21 respectively, because of the Sea Organization policy that prohibits members having children. Claire spent 8 of these years working in Religious Technology Center (RTC) directly with David and Shelly Miscavige, as "#3" according to Scientology's attorneys. During these years, she personally witnessed David Miscavige physically, verbally and emotionally abuse staff on countless occasions. Claire escaped from the headquarters in 2005, despite vigorous attempts to prevent her from doing so, including sending 5 staff across state lines to catch her and bring her back. Since escaping, Claire has been speaking out publicly and exposing Scientology abuses, has cooperated with numerous law enforcement investigation efforts, including serving as a confidential informant, and has volunteered for The Aftermath Foundation since its formation in December 2017. The Aftermath Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit foundation who provide resources and support for those looking to start new lives after escaping from Scientology.

Mike Rinder
Ex-Scientologist, Author, Whistleblower

  • Mike Rinder was once the chief spokesperson for the Church of Scientology International. After leaving, he dedicated the remainder of his life to fighting for greater public awareness of the organization’s abusive practices. This is his story.

    Mike, originally from Australia, was raised in Scientology and joined the elite ‘Sea Organization’ in 1973. He served on the Flagship Apollo alongside the founder L. Ron Hubbard and rose up the ranks, later working at the upper echelons of Scientology management. 

    In 2007, standing in the doorway of Scientology’s ‘Life Improvement Centre’ on Tottenham Court Road, Mike found himself confronting BBC Panorama journalist John Sweeney, denying claims that his boss David Miscavige had physically beaten his staff. Questioning himself as to why he was prepared to lie on camera in order to protect Scientology’s ‘dear leader’ something clicked in his mind and Mike escaped the following day, taking the Tube to Leicester Square and disappearing with nothing but the clothes on his back and a USB thumb drive. 

    When he left, there was no Aftermath Foundation or support network - just a small group of fellow former members who were prepared to help him set up a new life outside of the Church. In the years that followed, Mike made it his life’s mission to raise awareness of Scientology’s abusive practices, featuring in numerous documentaries, news and media interviews and TV shows in an attempt to sound the alarm. He worked tirelessly to inform the FBI and law enforcement about what he witnessed as a member of Scientology’s hard manual labor and re-education camp known as the ‘Rehabilitation Project Force’. 

    From 2016 - 2019, Mike co-presented and produced the TV show  ‘Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath’, which went on to win two Emmy awards and in 2022, he published his book ‘A Billion Years: My Escape From a Life in the Highest Ranks of Scientology’ detailing his experiences of growing up in Scientology, serving at its highest ranks and escaping. He also served on the board of Child USA and co-founded the Aftermath Foundation, fighting for victims of Scientology abuse right up until his passing in January 2025.


  • At the age of 15 after dealing with several losses and moving home, Alex Barnes-Ross found himself vulnerable and in search of hope. This is his story.

    “I was invited in to the Church of Scientology in London to take a personality test and was shown the results on a graph. They told me “if you wanted to learn about Christianity, you’d read the Bible… so if you’re interested in finding the solutions Scientology have, try a life improvement course, it’s only £30”. I was desperate to find the answers to why I was feeling the way I was, and so I gave it a shot.

    Before long, I was recruited on to staff and found myself having difficult conversations with my family. Scientology wanted me to carry on working full time at the Church instead of going back to Sixth Form to do my A Levels. I ended up leaving staff, but re-joined as soon as my exams were over 2 years later. At this point, I was promoted to Director of Public Booksales and had an office, responsibilities and statistics to report. I was paid on average £20 per week, and often worked 12 hour days, 5 or 6 days a week. 

    I signed a one billion year contract and dedicated the rest of my life to working for the Church, and was in the process of preparing to move to the United States to join their elite ‘Sea Organisation’ in a management position. They tried to separate me from my Mother, who did not want me to leave the country. At one point I was forcibly held against my will by staff members at their building near Blackfriars. I was told I wasn’t allowed to leave without confessing to “my crimes against the Church”. I was then off-loaded and declared a “potential trouble source”.

    I am now working to raise public awareness of Scientology’s abusive practices and as a result have been the subject of prolific and persistent harassment from their ‘Office of Special Affairs’. My front door has been kicked in and Scientology have set up hate sites in a targeted smear campaign aimed at discrediting and attacking me and my family. 

    ‘Fair Game’, as they call it, can be expected by anybody who dares to speak out about Scientology.. but that doesn’t mean it should be tolerated and I will continue fighting to seek justice and provide a voice for those who have been silenced. 

Our purpose is to help those who want to leave Scientology and the Sea Org, but who lack a system of support that they can rely on while getting on their feet in the outside world.